Management and Leadership in Local Government Ministry of Lands Housing & Urban Development

The purpose of this Local Governance and Leadership Training Programme is to enable the local government personnel to internalise, appreciate and participate in leadership that enhances the delivery and management of efficient and effective services within the Decentralisation framework.


By the end of training, the participants should be able to:

  • Define Decentralisation, Types of Decentralisation, and the Benefits and

Challenges of Decentralisation

  • Identify Leaders in Local Governments and List their Roles and


  • Define Effective Management and Leadership in Local Governments
  • List the Management and Leadership Techniques Applicable to Local Governments
  • Discuss the importance of building partnerships with civil society

organizations to ensure the delivery of effective services to lower councils.


Course Availability

2016-09-11 to 2020-12-31

Course Enrollment

Criteria : Free Enrollment
Cost : FREE
only logged in users can enroll!
please create an account from here before enrolling