Good Governance and Integrated Development Planning Ministry of Lands Housing & Urban Development

Purpose of this manual

This manual is designed as a resource for CUGD partner agencies and target groups (CBOs) who want to adopt good governance practices. It should help them to make their work and procedures more transparent and accountable, which will increase the public’s trust in and appreciation of their work.
Good governance is an ideal which is difficult to achieve in its totality; very few countries, societies, or organizations have even come close. However, to ensure sustainable human development, actions must be taken to work towards this ideal. So far, by building organizational skills, CUGD has managed to improve institutional capacities to promote good governance beyond their communities. Future efforts will ensure the creation of stronger institutions that will be much more successful in their areas of work (urban planning and management, infrastructure development, local governance, agriculture, health, water and sanitation, etc.) thanks to improvements in the area of governance. Moreover, institutions with good practices will impact local authorities’ lack of capacities for practicing good governance. Development forums can be one of the strongest agents in promoting culture of good governance in Ugandan society.

Objectives of this manual

This manual is designed to meet a number of specific learning objectives. Reader of this Manual after attending CUGD’s governance training should be able to:
i. Explain the meaning and value of good governance.
ii. Explain the principles underlying good governance.
iii. Explain the process and some of the tools for applying principles of good governance to the work of civil society and local authorities.
iv. Reflect on the strengths and shortcomings of good governance practices in their own communities.
v. Identify the institutional bodies in their communities and create sustainable linkages.
vi. Explain the integrated development planning process.

Course Availability

2017-01-29 to 2020-12-31

Course Enrollment

Criteria : Free Enrollment
Cost : FREE
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